There are several important dates on the GV calendar that we plan to commemorate. Among them are October 26, 2004, the date of our first post on GV in English; and the even more important December 11, 2004, the date of the meeting in Cambridge, MA where the idea of GV was first launched (also our official birthday). You can hear the conference here.
Soon we’re going to kick off a series of activities for us in the GV community to celebrate this wonderful thing we have built together.
Thanks to all who submitted ideas through our feedback platform. We’ve included several of your great ideas in the 10th anniversary game plan, which we will roll out over the next five months. Several Core Team members have already volunteered to lead different parts of the celebrations, but we’re counting on massive participation from everyone so we can showcase our community’s accomplishments over the past ten years.
Here are some of the items on the 10th anniversary agenda:
State of the Community Survey
We’ve grown and changed so much over the past ten years, we’d like to take a “snapshot” of our community as it is today. We often talk about “the GV community”, but who are we, really? We'll be a conducting a thorough community-wide survey to get a clear idea of things like where we GVers live, what languages we speak, as well as to collect your thoughts and ideas on how GV currently operates. This is a chance to really share your opinions and stand up and be counted! Team leader: Georgia.
Community Reflections
“My First Post/Translation”: We all remember that first post or translation we did for GV, and many of us have interesting anecdotes about how we joined the community. We’d like to hear about them and share them with the world. More information about this soon.
GVer Peer Interviews: For those interested in learning more about fellow GVers, we'll match you up with somebody to interview (and vice versa) and invite you to turn that experience into a creative blog post, podcast, or video. Stay tuned for more.
24-hour Meet-a-Thon: Our first GV meeting was held on December 11, way back in 2004. Let's commemorate that date by gathering with other GVers and friends of GV over your favorite beverage or meal. We'll try to map all of these informal social events over the course of 24 hours. Team leader: Paula.
T-shirt/poster design contest – Creative minds unite! We'll ask you, our readers, and general public to submit designs for the 10th anniversary t-shirt/poster contest.
Multi-media Visualizations & Highlights
Visualization: GV is comprised of thousands of posts, translations, and hundreds of global community members. What does all that mean? And how can we best explain our impact, our reach, and our friendship across the globe using visualizations?
Interactive Timeline: Ever wanted to know the entire history of Global Voices including some of the most important, interesting, or funny moments in our history? We'll crowdsource our history and present it through an interactive platform.
GV 10th Anniversary Video: To Be Determined – There are a lot of ideas floating around for the video to be unveiled at the next Summit. We'll be asking for your input specifically on this activity later on in the year.
“Where Are They Now?”: Many GVers have come and gone, and even if they are no longer actively writing or translating, our community still occupies a special place in their hearts. We'll record a special podcast in which GV “alumni” talk about their experiences with GV and what they are doing now.
We'll be commissioning Bridge pieces, retrospectives, and other specific reflections from our community to be published on GV.
Social Media
Hashtag – The universal #GV10 works well across many languages, and we'll use this hashtag to follow along the celebration.
These are just some of the ideas that we cooked up with your help and input. We’re sincerely hoping that this list is just the beginning, and that you’ll come up with even more ideas to help make our 10th anniversary really special. Regional or Lingua teams probably have their own special dates or milestones that they’d like to celebrate (site launch, first translation), so please feel free to coordinate these with your teams, and please let us know so that we can highlight it on our soon-to-be-created Special Coverage page.
Want to participate? Leave a comment, or get in touch with the leaders listed above!