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An opportunity for others and myself

Categories: 10th Anniversary, First Post

I wanted to write and express myself through others. I found GV searching in google. I knew I lacked journalism knowledge and I need it and still need a lot to learn. So I decided to contact Global Voices and see If I had any chance.

I was surprise when I got a fast answer. So Carnival was my first post.

I was lucky that I had a very good Editor,Silvia Viñas, very patient with corrections and feedback and learning how to estructure a post using other voices. But also it helped me a lot to became acquainted with what was happening in the world and in the country I live in. How to see through other´s eyes.
To me it was like yesterday, but it has been three years and a half that I joined Global Voices. I wouldn´t change it for anything in the world.

Now I will be attending my second Summit, since the first time I attented it was in Kenya and I was able to be part of the photographers group for the summit.

I don´t know if I learned anything about journalism, but I did learned that there are many GVers like me, all around the world, helping, learning, giving the best of them to make GV a global community, which for me is the best in the world.

These are some photos taken at GV Summit 2012

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You can see more photos taken at my FLICKR account [1]