Translator Newsletter: Dictionaries for Refugees, Brexit, and More!

Hello, GV'ers!

Welcome to this week's edition of the Translator Newsletter! Today we're talking about…

Dictionaries for Refugees

Screenshot taken from (Photo by Lance Anderson/This Week)

Screenshot taken from (Photo by Lance Anderson/This Week)

Let's kick the week off on a positive note! — Students in Norwood have come together to create a tool for Syrian refugees and their families living in their area. According to this article,

“To create the dictionary, students were asked to think of the most important words that newcomers might need to know while adjusting to their new community, including words associated with food, clothing and transportation.”

When I read about this, I just couldn't help but love the acceptance and willingness to embrace cultural exchange. What's your favorite part about being in the translation field?

Retiring English as Pop's Lingua Franca

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With so many great languages out there, is it fair that English dominates the music scene? Should artists veer away from translating into English language markets in favor of maintaining songs in their original tongues? Emmy the Great, a Hong-Kong born singer-songwriter explores these questions and more in her post for The Guardian. Read along here and let us know your thoughts?

Getting Direct Clients for Translators

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Ever feel like getting stable clients for your work is the hardest thing on the planet? Do you find yourself resorting to working for translation agencies to find steady work? Lingua Greca tackles several reasons why translators struggle to find clients when they become freelancers in this post. Take a look at their tips and share your own with the rest of the community!

Brexit and the Translation Industry

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If you're alive and breathing, you've heard about Brexit and the shock that spread throughout the entire world when we learned that the United Kingdom decided to leave the European Union. But what effect, if any, will this have on the translation industry? This post by kontax discusses that question and other predictions. Do you agree? What impact do you think Brexit will have on you and the translations industry?


As always, thank you all for your hard work and dedication to GV! If you have any questions, comments, or ideas, feel free to email me at

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