Got 10 Minutes? The Global Voices Podcast Wants Your Voice!

Photo by Flickr user Jeffrey Zeldman. CC BY 2.0

Photo by Flickr user Jeffrey Zeldman. CC BY 2.0

We want to incorporate the voices of many, many GVers into The Week That Was at Global Voices podcast so listeners hear just how diverse a community we are!

To do so, we would love GVers to record yourself reading one or both of the promos so we can include them in the podcast.

Mong Palatino and Manuel Ribeiro were our first participants, and you can hear them speaking in our latest episode: Pokémon Go Gets Political. They say the following:

Kamusta? That’s ‘how are you?’ in Tagalog. I’m Mong, Southeast Asia editor for Global Voices. Want to read more about the stories we mention in this podcast? You’ll find them and more on our website: globalvoices DOT org; on Twitter AT globalvoices; and on Facebook DOT com SLASH globalvoicesonline

Ola amigos! That’s “hello, friends” in Portuguese. I’m Manuel, Global Voices’ Portuguese language editor. Are you liking this podcast? You can find us on SoundCloud, iTunes, Stitcher and many other podcast apps. Be sure to subscribe, give us an upvote, or leave us a comment. Obrigado! Thank you!

Want to participate? Please record yourself reading one or both of the promos above, personalized to include:

  1. A greeting in a language you speak and the translation in English (alternatively, you could introduce English slang from your region and explain what it means);
  2. Your first name;
  3. Your role at Global Voices (for example, “Spanish-to-English translator for Global Voices”, “author for the Sub-Sahara Africa team at Global Voices”, “a Global Voices author from India” and “Global Voices Arabic translator from Algeria” are all acceptable).

Then send your recording to news editor Lauren Finch at and managing editor Sahar Habib Ghazi at

Audio recording tips

  • Record in a quiet room that doesn't echo. A closet or a bedroom with a low ceiling make good sound studios.
  • Avoid brushing up against your microphone.
  • Wear headphones.
  • Sit up straight and push your shoulders back to open up your voice.
  • Speak slowly, and make sure to pronounce your words clearly.

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  • Please treat others with respect. Comments containing hate speech, obscenity, and personal attacks will not be approved.