Strategy Planning: A New Approach to the Community Survey!

A session at the 2015 GV Summit. PHOTO: Jeremy Clarke

A session at the 2015 GV Summit. PHOTO: Jeremy Clarke

From the excellent and thoughtful feedback we’ve had so far, we know that many of you have read the post on strategy planning we published on Friday.

It’s been interesting to see what’s rising to the top in our feedback tool. Thus far we've had suggestions about clarifying what we mean by “underreported”, and whether we can say distinguishes GV’s unique value. Trying to answer questions like these is exactly the reason we’ve created NewsFrames. In case you are interested in that project, take a look at Connie’s posts here in the Community Blog, and please take a moment to fill out our survey. Your ideas will help us to make that project relevant and useful to your work.

And speaking of surveys, we’ve updated the Global Voices Community Survey from the past few summits to make it more concise, as well as easier and more fun to fill out. We’ve run community surveys three times in the past five years. This latest version will be a key component in the strategy planning process, as it gives us a way to understand the current needs and interests of our community.

For this 2016 edition of the Community Survey, we’re going to try an experiment and propose three approaches to filling it out:

  • Book a date with one of us on the core team to talk through the questions one-on-one (We're really excited about this one—hope you are too!). You can book a slot on this spreadsheet, which has a tab for each core team member. If you don't see a time slot that suits you, feel free to add your name and info on the tab of your core team member of choice, or to the “I'll Talk With Any of You!” tab, and we'll get back to you to arrange a time. Please make sure to book well in advance so we all have time to prep. 
  • Make a date with your GV Buddy and fill out the survey while “interviewing” each other—it could be a fun way to get to know your buddy better. Aparna will be circulating out more info about this soon.

If you have any questions about the process, please leave a comment below, or email either of us: at ivan AT globalvoices DOT org, or georgiap AT globalvoices DOT org.

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