GV Lingua Update: March 2017

The Lingua ProjectHello, everyone! This is the state of Lingua for March 2017.

In total this month, we published 709 posts, attracted 272,496 visits and 337,930 pageviews.

Here is a rundown of how all sites did last month.


  • Spanish Lingua had the most traffic ever this March, with 102,070 visits and 121,719 pageviews!
  • Portuguese traffic has returned to 20K+, thanks to our new team of editors!
  • Russian Lingua is having a translation streak so far, with this month translating 72 posts!

Top rankings for this months are:


Spanish 188
Malagasy 111
Greek 98
French 60
Russian 55

Traffic in page-views

Spanish 104,815
French 43,230
Arabic 30,875
Japanese 27,940
Chinese (traditional) 23,819


Arabic 132156
English 90,302
Chinese 42095
Spanish 19832
French 17822


Chinese 174550
Arabic 44210
Spanish 7478
Bangla 6821
French 5548

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