At Global Voices, our community researches, writes, edits, and translates stories with a mission to support human rights and build bridges of understanding across countries, cultures, and languages.
We don't publish just to grab clicks or follow a news trend. We do, however, like to keep track of the ways in which our hard work has impact around the world.
To that end, one useful metric is how readers respond to our stories and translations. So let's take a look at who our readers were and what caught their attention during the week of March 12-18, 2018.
Where in the world are Global Voices’ readers?
Last week, our stories and translations attracted readers from 208 countries! The top 20 countries represented across all of Global Voices’ sites were:
1. United States
2. Brazil
3. France
4. Mexico
5. Japan
6. Spain
7. Peru
8. Colombia
9. United Kingdom
10. Italy
11. Germany
12. Taiwan
13. Philippines
14. Russia
15. India
16. Bangladesh
17. Canada
18. Argentina
19. Indonesia
20. Madagascar
But that's only a small slice of the diversity of our readership. Let's use the True Random Number Generator from and take a look at a few other countries on the list:
187. Sierra Leone
207. Turks & Caicos Islands
180. Monaco
99. Ghana
176. Belize
Global Voices in English
The English-language site is where the majority of original content is first published at Global Voices. The top five most-read stories of last week were:
1. Trinidadian Man Transforms Pothole Into a Hot Tub in Humorously Effective Protest
2. City Councillor and Leading Rights Activist Shot Dead in Downtown Rio de Janeiro
3. Citizenship, Surveillance and Taxes: A Dystopian Tale
4. From Graffiti to Politics, Anti-Semitic and Neo-Nazi Speech Is Becoming More Visible in Eastern Europe
5. Is Censorship Coming Back to Tunisia? Court Order Bans ‘Blue Whale’ Online Game
Global Voices Lingua
Lingua is a project that translates Global Voices stories into languages other than English. There are about 30 active Lingua sites. Below is last week's most-read story or translation on each active language site.
- أسمر في طوكيو: وثائقيّ عن حياة ذوي البشرة الداكنة في اليابان (“Black In Tokyo: a Documentary About Life in Japan”)
- JAMUQANAKA: Filipinas markanx waranqh waranqh challwa katurinakaw wali llakinkapxi petróleo qutar tallintasitapata (“PHOTOS: Oil Spill Devastates Thousands of Fishermen in Cebu, Philippines,” originally published in 2013)
- নেলসন ম্যান্ডেলার ১৭টি জ্ঞানগর্ভ উক্তি যা সকলের পাঠ করা উচিৎ (“17 Pieces of Wisdom from Nelson Mandela that Everyone Needs to Read,” originally published in 2013)
- Филмът “Мъгла над Сребреница” и оцелелите при едно от най-големите кланета в Европа (“Film ‘The Fog of Srebrenica’ Shows Us The People Who Survived One of Europe's Worst Massacres,” originally published in 2015)
Chinese (simplified)
- 一名身穿「『习』特勒」T恤的中国活动人士被捕失踪 (“Chinese Activist Who Wore ‘Xitler’ T-Shirt Goes Missing in Detention,” originally published in 2016)
Chinese (traditional)
- 這五款越南食品對外國人來說可能有點難以下嚥 (“Five Foods From Vietnam That Might Be a Little Hard to Swallow for Non-Vietnamese,” originally published in 2017)
- Proč se stal z palmového oleje takový problém — a co s tím můžeme dělat? (“How Did Palm Oil Become Such a Problem—and What Can We Do About It?” originally published in 2015)
- Gedetineerden in Finse ‘open gevangenissen’ hebben zelf de sleutels (“In Finland's ‘Open Prisons,’ Inmates Have the Keys,” originally published in 2015)
- Reludversioj de popkantoj por akceli la lingvon inuktitutan. (“Pop Song Covers in the Inuktitut Language,” originally published in 2013)
- فیلمی که تجارت سکس کودکان را در ماداگاسکار افشا کرده است. (“Film Exposes Madagascar's Child Sex Trade,” originally published in 2013)
- Nelson Mandela : 17 citations à se remémorer pour apprécier sa sagesse (“17 Pieces of Wisdom from Nelson Mandela that Everyone Needs to Read,” originally published in 2013)
- Israel, eines der trockensten Länder der Welt, hat nun Wasser im Überfluss (“Israel, One of the World’s Driest Countries, Is Now Overflowing With Water,” originally published in 2016)
- 7 πράγματα που δεν ξέρατε για τη γιαπωνέζικη κουζίνα (“7 Things You Didn't Know About Japanese Food,” originally published in 2013)
- पुरानी जापानी पुस्तकों में मिले रहस्यमयी बुकमार्क्स आपको चौंका देंगे (“The Unusual, Sometimes Mysterious Bookmarks Found in Used Books in Japan,” originally published in 2017)
- 17 Nelson Mandela-idézet, melyet érdemes ismerni (“17 Pieces of Wisdom from Nelson Mandela that Everyone Needs to Read,” originally published in 2013)
- Un detenuto nella prigione siriana di Saydnaya: ‘potevo sentire l’odore della tortura’ (“‘When They Took Me Inside’ Syria's Saydnaya Prison, ‘I Could Smell the Torture,’” originally published in 2016)
- 誰もが知るべきネルソン・マンデラの17の知恵 (“17 Pieces of Wisdom from Nelson Mandela that Everyone Needs to Read,” originally published in 2013)
- 일본에서의 #MeToo 운동 도입 (“An Introduction to #MeToo in Japan”)
- ‘ئافرەتی ئاسک : کۆکراوەی بەرھەمی ھونەری ‘ تیشک دەخاتە سەر توندوتیژی دژی ئافرەتە رەسەنەکانی ئەمریکای باکور (“‘Deer Woman: An Anthology’ Sheds Light on Violence Against Native Women in North America,” originally published in 2017)
- Македонија: Твитер-хаштаг за премиерот – #Ж (“Macedonia: Twitter Hashtag for Prime Minister – #Ж,” originally published in 2011)
- Dôsie Tafaporitsaka Mampiseho Fa Sary Miboridana No Takalon'ny Vola Indramin'ny Tovovavy Ao Shina (“A Major Leak Exposes How Chinese Loan Sharks Make Female Debtors Take Nude Selfies,” originally published in 2016)
- भीषण बाढीले बङ्गलादेश, भारत र नेपालमा विनाश (“Deadly Floods in Bangladesh, India and Nepal Wreak Havoc,” originally published in 2017)
- Rosja: Obowiązkowa służba wojskowa pod atakiem (“Russia: Practice of Compulsory Military Service Comes Under Attack,” originally published in 2012)
- Um ritual de proteção para “fechar o corpo” liga tradições religiosas diferentes no Brasil (“A Protection Ritual to ‘Close the Body’ Links Different Religious Traditions in Brazil,” originally published in 2016)
- ਜਾਪਾਨ ਵਿਚ ਵੀ #MeToo ਦੀ ਸ਼ੁਰੂਅਾਤ (“An Introduction to #MeToo in Japan”)
- 14 filme interzise în Iran din 2007 (“14 Films That Have Been Banned in Iran Since 2007,” originally published in 2015)
- 10 африканских блюд, которые каждый должен попробовать (“10 Dishes From Sub-Saharan Africa Everyone Needs to Try,” originally published in 2014)
- Ljudi iza skrivenih kamera u moskovskim javnim toaletima i žena koja uzvraća udarac (“The Men Behind Moscow's Hidden Bathroom Cameras and the Woman Who's Fighting Back,” originally published in 2016)
- 10 palabras que usas a diario que no sabías que eran de origen quechua (“10 Common Words in Spanish and English That Come From Quechua,” originally published in 2015)
- Katarlıyım ve Evleneceğim Kişiye Karar Verebilmek İstiyorum (“I’m Qatari, and I Want to Be Able to Decide For Myself Who I Marry,” originally published in 2016)
- افغانستان کی ان دیکھی تصاویر (“Sharing Photos of the Afghanistan You Never See,” originally published in 2012)