NewsFrames Community Report: Looking Back on April 2018

Hello everyone. Here's a monthly update about what the NewsFrames community has been up to for the past month or so… we've been busy! This will likely be one of the last updates before the project goes on hiatus in early June (more here and here), as we think about how to launch the next state of NewsFrames.

If you have any questions about what will happen with NewsFrames after the end of May, there are details at the end of this blog post about a series of hangouts being planned this month where you can ask questions.

What's New

NewsFrames Attends International Journalism Festival

In mid-April, Connie Moon Sehat, representing Global Voices NewsFrames, attended the International Journalism Festival (IJF18) in Perugia, Italy.

The session focused on misinformation and memes, and Connie explained at how the story A Picture Worth A Thousand Words worked. People interested in following up about how to do this kind of research joined workshops after sessions, and brainstormed approaches to image analysis that could be folded into the development of the future Meme Mapper.

Part of Connie's panel discussion was captured in a sketch by UK-based journalist and graphic artist Andrew Garthwaite. More of Garthwaite's sketches from IJF18 can be seen here.

Rising Frames Workshop in Ecuador

rising frames

Our local partner El Churo, with support from Belen Febres-Cordero, conducted the first “Rising Frames” workshop in Quito, Ecuador.

El Churo Ecuador

Image by El Churo. Used with permission.

The workshop was focused on creating Reframed Stories, and included five communities across the city who analyzed the media coverage of their community or issues they care about and to produce a short response that will soon be published on Rising Voices and NewsFrames.

New Stories Published in April

In April the NewsFrames community published two stories:

New Translations

In April we asked you to translate NewsFrames stories, and you delivered!

One article, We Matter: An Internet Campaign That Shares Hope and Healing with Indigenous Youth, has been translated into Spanish, Russian, Malagasy and Italian.

As always, more NewsFrames stories await translation, so take a look on the NewsFrames site to see if there is one you like to tackle.

Popular Stories

Here are some of the most popular NewsFrames stories published between January 1 and  April 30, starting with the most popular:

1. How Indigenous Communities Are Using Data to ‘Reframe’ Their Narratives Through Digital Storytelling

The story has been read 657 times in English on the NewsFrames site and on the Global Voices main page.

This story was also translated into multiple languages (thanks you to the translators!); here's the number of readers in each language:

  • Spanish (293)
  • French (37)
  • Chinese (15)
  • Russian (20)
  • Italian (15)
  • German (17)

2. Brexit and Bias? The Framing of Immigrants in the Media 

Readership stats:

  • English (main and NewsFrames, 615)
  • Spanish (58)
  • French (20)

3. WordFrames: Are ‘Teens’ Getting a Bad Rap? 

Readership stats:

  • English (288)
  • Spanish (50)
  • Russian (28)

4. Culture Shot No. 5: Homeland (Patria)

Readership stats:

  • English (149)
  • Spanish (55)
  • French (34)

Thanks once again to the translators of these stories!

What's Next

Here are just a few things NewsFrames has planned for the remainder of May:

NewsFrames at RightsCon Toronto

Belen Febres-Cordero will be representing Global Voices and NewsFrames by leading a workshop on the Reframed project along with our Media Cloud friends at RightsCon Toronto 2018 on May 18. The full roster of panelists can be seen here, and includes a number of faces familiar to the GV community.

Rollout of NewsFrames Curriculum on Media Literacy and Analysis

This April, NewsFrames collaborator and educator Sarah Morris has been working on a NewsFrames curriculum that helps with media literacy and analysis.

In the past, she's designed a curriculum on Misinformation aimed at high school students in partnership with Mozilla (the full curriculum is hosted on Github). So we wanted her to help us with one, which includes concepts of framing, Media Cloud exploration, and also credibility. (ICYMI, part of the NewsFrames project has been helping to launch a broad effort to assess information credibility and reliability called the Credibility Coalition.)

We're excited about the prospect of helping people dig deeper into media! The NewsFrames Curriculum will come out later this month.

NewsFrames is Open Source!

In the tradition of other projects that GV has incubated or spun off (Witness Hub, Transparency for Technology Network), we also believe there can be a long-term benefit for NewsFrames, even beyond GV. To support this, we released the NewsFrames platform code under the Apache 2.0 license.

There are many tools for this kind of analysis in the hands of corporations and private enterprises. But we believe that encouraging this access and capacity specifically for civil society analysis is important in the days ahead as the infrastructure of the internet continues to be shaped in the wake of the misinformation and disinformation challenge.

May Hangouts

In May we will be holding a series of hangouts to discuss what's next for NewsFrames as the project pauses and Global Voices determines what's next.

We want to hear your questions, and your reflections. To ensure as many people as possible can participate, we have scheduled at least three hangouts:

  1. Thursday, May 10 6PM UTC (Eddie and Belen to lead)
  2. Friday, May 11 3PM UTC (Iria and Nevin)
  3. Week of May 14 3AM UTC (Andrea and Vaibhav, date TBD)

We hope you can join us. More details about the hangout will be posted on Slack and by email. Contact Nevin Thompson for more information.

Got a question?

If you have any questions at all, just contact Nevin, Connie, Iria, Belen or Andrea, who lead the NewsFrames project.

You can reach us by email or on Slack.

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