At Global Voices, our community researches, writes, edits, and translates stories with a mission to support human rights and build bridges of understanding across countries, cultures, and languages.
We don't publish just to grab clicks or follow a news trend. We do, however, like to keep track of the ways in which our hard work has impact around the world.
To that end, one useful metric is how readers respond to our stories and translations. So let's take a look at who our readers were and what caught their attention during the week of July 23-29, 2018.
Where in the world are Global Voices’ readers?
Last week, our stories and translations attracted readers from 186 countries! The top 20 countries represented across all of Global Voices’ sites were:
1. United States
2. India
3. Philippines
4. United Kingdom
5. Canada
6. France
7. Germany
8. Australia
9. Pakistan
10. Japan
11. Nigeria
12. South Africa
13. Italy
14. Peru
15. Brazil
16. Russia
17. Singapore
18. Malaysia
19. Netherlands
20. Bangladesh
But that's only a small slice of the diversity of our readership. Let's use the True Random Number Generator from and take a look at a few other countries on the list:
92. Cyprus
108. Albania
143. Solomon Islands
164. Nauru
41. Saudi Arabia
Global Voices in English
The English-language site is where the majority of original content is first published at Global Voices. The top five most-read stories of last week were:
1. #ThemToo: Syrian Women Tell Stories of Rape in Regime Prisons
2. Will a World Cup Joke force France to have a necessary conversation about Africa?
3. Why Bamyan province brings out the best of Afghanistan
4. Why Syrian refugees in Lebanon fear going back to an Assad-controlled Syria
5. A guide to Pakistan's 2018 general elections
Global Voices Lingua
Lingua is a project that translates Global Voices stories into languages other than English. There are about 30 active Lingua sites. Below is last week's most-read story or translation on each active language site.
- የ‘ወንድም ጋሼ’ አፍሪካዋ ቤቲ ላይ የባሕል እሴት ጥያቄ ተቀሰቀሰባት (“The ‘Muslim Gash'i’ issue of cultural values against Betty was on Big Brother Africa,” originally published in 2013)
- الكشف عن هويتك الإفريقية يعني مواجهة محادثات غير سارة مع من تحبهم (“‘Sometimes, embracing the Afro identity…means having unpleasant conversations with people you love’”)
- নেলসন ম্যান্ডেলার ১৭টি জ্ঞানগর্ভ উক্তি যা সকলের পাঠ করা উচিৎ (“17 pieces of wisdom from Nelson Mandela that everyone needs to read,” originally published in 2013)
Chinese (simplified)
- 一名身穿「『习』特勒」T恤的中国活动人士被捕失踪 (“Chinese Activist Who Wore ‘Xitler’ T-Shirt Goes Missing in Detention,” originally published in 2016 )
Chinese (traditional)
- 影片:馬達加斯加的兒童性交易 (“Film exposes Madagascar's child sex trade,” originally published in 2013)
- Izrael, jedna z nejvyprahlejších zemí světa, má dnes vody nadbytekdšení (“Israel, One of the World’s Driest Countries, Is Now Overflowing With Water,” originally published in 2016)
- Israël, een van de droogste landen ter wereld, wordt nu overspoeld door water(“Israel, one of the world’s driest countries, is now overflowing with water,” originally published in 2016)
- Kiom valoras la homaj rajtoj? — 20 usonajn dolarojn laŭ la Ĉambro de Reprezentantoj de Filipinoj (“What's the value of human rights? According to the Philippines House of Representatives, $20,” originally published in 2017)
- Pornographie sur Whatsapp au Brésil : la liberté sexuelle féminine en débat (“WhatsApp Sex Tape in Brazil Prompts Internet Meme Blaming Victim,” originally published in 2013)
- Durch das Spiegeln von Webseiten können sich türkische Nutzer wieder Wikipedia-Inhalte ansehen (“Mirror Websites Are Helping Turkish Users Reconnect to Wikipedia,” originally published in 2017)
- 17 σοφές φράσεις του Νέλσον Μαντέλα που όλοι πρέπει να διαβάσουν (“17 pieces of wisdom from Nelson Mandela that everyone needs to read,” originally published in 2013)
- 17 Nelson Mandela-idézet, melyet érdemes ismerni (“17 pieces of wisdom from Nelson Mandela that everyone needs to read,” originally published in 2013)
- Apakah Taiwan Sebuah Negara, Pulau Merdeka, Wilayah yang Memisahkan Diri atau Sebuah Provinsi di Tiongkok? (“Is Taiwan a Country, a Self-Governing Island, or a Breakaway Territory or Province of China?,” originally published in 2016)
- Il primo studio completo sull'abuso sui minori in Madagascar indica un livello allarmante di violenza (“First comprehensive study on child abuse in Madagascar points to alarming level of violence”)
- バングラデシュは「世界一のベジタリアン大国」? 実はそうでもない (“Bangladesh Is the World's ‘Most Vegetarian Country'? Not Quite.”)
- 러시아 남성에 대한 우크라이나 여성의 섹스보이콧 (“Ukrainian women's sex boycott against Russian men,” originally published in 2014)
- Македонија: Твитер-хаштаг за премиерот – #Ж (“‘Macedonia: Twitter Hashtag for Prime Minister – #Ж,” originally published in 2011)
- Tononkalo Malagasy 4 Miresaka Fitiavana Tsy Azo Tanterahina Amin'izao Saint Valentin – Andron'ny Mpifankatia Izao (“From Madagascar, Four Poems on Impossible Love for Valentine's Day,” originally published in 2016)
- नेपालका ट्रकहरुमा कोरिएका साहित्य र व्यंग्य (“There's Wisdom and Humour to Be Found Painted on the Back of Nepalese Trucks,” originally published in 2016)
- Toksyczna “Wyspa śmieci” na Malediwach (“There's an Island Made of Toxic Trash Rising Out of the Sea in the Maldives,” originally published in 2014)
- Um ritual de proteção para “fechar o corpo” liga tradições religiosas diferentes no Brasil (“A protection ritual to ‘close the body’ links different religious traditions in Brazil,” originally published in 2016)
- ਕਸ਼ਮੀਰੀ ਪੱਯੁਗਾਂਡਾ ਵਿੱਚ ਪਲਾਸਟਿਕ ਕਚਰੇ ਦੀ ਸਮੱਸਿਆ ਗੰਭੀਰਤਰਕਾਰ ਸ਼ੁਜਾਤ ਬੁਖਾਰੀ ਦੀ ਗੋਲੀ ਮਾਰ ਕੇ ਹੱਤਿਆ ਕਰ ਦਿੱਤੀ (“Plastic trash is a serious problem in Uganda”)
- 10 африканских блюд, которые каждый должен попробовать (“10 dishes from Sub-Saharan Africa everyone needs to try,” originally published in 2014)
- Malezija: Uputstva roditeljima o tome kako prepoznati homoseksualce i lezbejke (“Malaysia: Parenting Guidelines on How to Spot Gays and Lesbians,” originally published in 2012)
- 10 palabras que usas a diario que no sabías que eran de origen quechua (“10 common words in Spanish and English that come from Quechua,” originally published in 2015)
- Hekima 17 za Nelson Mandela Zinazofaa Kusomwa na Kila Mmoja (“17 pieces of wisdom from Nelson Mandela that everyone needs to read,” originally published in 2013)
- Katarlıyım ve Evleneceğim Kişiye Karar Verebilmek İstiyorum (“I’m Qatari, and I want to be able to decide for myself who I marry,” originally published in 2016)
- افغانستان کی ان دیکھی تصاویر (“Sharing photos of the Afghanistan you never see,” originally published in 2012)