CC Global Summit Keynotes features Yoruba Lingua Manager!

The Creative Commons Global Summit, which is held annually in a different country around the world, is bringing six community leaders to the stage for short talks on their work and experience, featuring Ọmọ Yoòbá of Nigeria.

Besides managing Yorùbá Lingua, Ọmọ is a journalist with eleven years of professional experience in the Nigerian broadcast media. He has dedicated eight years to the propagation of the Yorùbá ecological knowledge and cultural on the digital space. As an advocate of multilingualism and internet universality, Yoòbá had worked with stakeholders in the effort to bridge the digital divide, giving minority languages a voice on the Internet of Things, and marginalized society access to digital resources. In addition to teaching the Yorùbá language on, He has worked with Localization Lab to localize digital security and Internet circumvention tools (EFF).  In 2018, he collated more than a hundred oral literature of the Yorùbá which is in the archive of the Firebird Foundation for Anthropological Research in Phillips, Maine, United States.

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