Want to jump straight in? Visit the Application/Renewal form and sign up!
It's time to talk about the future of the GV Community Council! As far as we're concerned, last year’s council was a huge success, and despite all the work that went into it, both from the core team and from all our dedicated council members, I think almost all of us agreed it was a wholesome and worthwhile investment.
While some of the “issues” we discussed brought us to nuanced and complex conclusions about our priorities, to me the “Organizational Structure” issue was the most decisive: The council format itself was so popular that even though it wasn’t named on the list in the final council poll, people were asking “which one would be like this council?”.
So by popular demand, we’re rebooting the GV Community Council!
The new version will be ongoing, rather than running for a set number of meetings, and it will be spread out over the year, rather than condensing many issues into a short period of time. Otherwise, it will be very similar to the original council!
Read all the important details on the new GV Community Council page.
Our goal will be to prepare and run “consultations” about specific subjects, a few times a year, with lots of empty space in between.
We’re imagining most consultations being similar to the “issues” from the first council, with a period of a few weeks where we study the issue together, discuss it over email, have Zoom discussions, and if it makes sense, we’ll end with a poll to vote on specific options.
Participation in the council will be very open and include anyone who’s been a GV contributor, just like last time. The main request is just that you are an active participant in the council itself!
All the former council members will be invited to “renew” their membership, and each year we’ll have a similar process of renewal, where members will just have to fill out the renewal form to confirm they still want to participate.
Ready to jump in? Visit the Application/Renewal form and sign up!
We will be accepting applications until the end of January 2020 and setting up our fist discussions for February or March! Hope to see you there!