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State of Global Voices 2021

Categories: Community Council

In 2021, the Global Voices Community Council [1] convened from November 11 to December 11. Our topic this year was Global Voices @ 20 [2]. Seventy-eight [3] of us met to discuss Global Voices goals and mission statement in preparation for a strategy to take us to our 20th anniversary, in 2024.

As part of the Council, we prepared a “State of Global Voices 2021” presentation. This document covers both our successes and challenges with our activities, and our finances and organizational health. It includes information through the first three quarters of 2021.

I am happy to report that 2021 has been one of our best years, in terms of both projects and editorial output, and in terms of organizational health. We launched a range of new projects, from new research and networking activities in Rising Voices [4], to an expanded team in Advox [5], to the scaling of our Civic Media Observatory [6] research.

Our 2021 Council was lively and focused and very much helped us to understand community perspectives on our mission and impact in the world. Our 2022 Council will take our mission as a starting point to build a new strategy for the next two-three years.

We invite all Global Voices community members who have reached the criteria for participation [1] to join the Council, and we look forward to your thoughts and ideas!