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Council 2022 poll results: GV Strategy

Categories: Community, Community Council

As part of this year's Community Council consultation on defining GV's strategy, we conducted a poll comprising three questions arising out of the Issue Paper [1] we published in September.

Building on the outcome of the 2021 Council poll, in which a large plurality of Council members selected the model “building understanding across communities [2],” as their preference, the poll addressed three key aspects of the concept of “understanding”: Challenges to understanding; What motivates understanding; and Defining and measuring understanding.

79 people responded to the poll—here are the results.

Question 1: Challenges to understanding

The first poll question asked Council members to complete the statement

When we find ourselves operating in difficult political and rights situations, we should aim to build understanding by—

by selecting one of the following:

[4] [5] [6]

Question 2: What motivates understanding

The second poll question asked Council members to complete the statement

“To promote understanding and increase our impact, GV should—”

by selecting one of the following:



[8] [9]

Question 3: Defining and measuring “understanding”

The third poll question asked Council members to complete the statement

“To create a Global Voices branding of “understanding” we should—

by selecting one of the following:

[10] [11]