To aid our writers and editors in their work of producing quality, intersectional content, we have put together this series of WordPress tips and reminders. This series covers common challenges you might face in the writing and editing process and offers clear solutions complete with screenshots and links to examples.
This series is meant to supplement our existing guides and act as brief, easy-to-access explainer pieces. Please remember to see our WordPress Guide for a full explanation of our rules and posting process.
Sometimes when you are translating a post from another language into English to publish on GV English, you run into problems with author and translator attribution, especially if the original post is still a draft. Here is how to make sure all the posts and contributors are linked across all GV sites.
Step 1: Open a new post in WordPress.
Step 2: Get the URL of the published post. If it hasn’t been published yet, get the URL of the preview of the draft post. To find it, click on the Preview button on the top right, near the Publish button, and copy the URL of the page that comes up.
Step 3: Paste the URL of the published post or the preview into the “Source Post URL” field in the Lingua box. In GV English, this is the box just under the Publish box.
Step 4: Hit “Fetch Post Data.” This will bring all information from the original post and populate the Author, Title, Tagline, Image, Excerpt, Categories, etc. This is how the Lingua box will look now.
Step 5: Translate the post and remove the original text.
Step 6: Set the translator’s name by scrolling down to the Author box in the right-hand column. This is the last box and can be found below the Featured Image. Set the name of the translator here.
If it is the same as the author of the post and they are not already a user on GV English, hit the import user button. Save the post and then return to the author dropdown and find their name.
Step 7: Check that everything else is as it should be, tag in the sub-editors, and continue as you would for any regular post!