Posts from September, 2015
Weekly Writing Tips: Authenticating Social Media Sources
In his last installment of the weekly writing tips for the month, Rezwan explains Patrick Meier's process of verifying social media data.
Weekly Writing Tips: Sourcing Content from Facebook, Twitter and Instagram
There are plenty of tools and strategies to find citizen commentary on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Rezwan, GV regional editor for South Asia, explains a few.
Translator Newsletter: International Translation Day, Harry Potter & more!
Happy Monday everyone! I hope you're all having a wonderful start to the week! We've got some great things to share with you today, so here we go! – International...
“Isn't it about time that we met as equals?”
At Global Voices, we often write about people who are marginalised, but it's wrong to believe we can speak for them, writes Anne Hemeda.
Weekly Writing Tips: Sourcing Blog Content
Have a blogroll? Use an RSS reader? Keeping tabs on your region's blogosphere is a whole lot easier if you do, says Rezwan.
Weekly Writing Tips: Coming Up With Story Ideas
Rezwan, regional editor for South Asia, kicks off his month of writing tips with advice on finding story ideas for Global Voices posts.
New Rising Voices project
We're happy to announce a new project about digital advocacy training.
Translator Newsletter: Translation & Humanity, Radio Ambulante, and more!
Happy Monday everyone! I hope you're all having a wonderful start to the week! We've got a jam-packed newsletter for you, so let's dive right in! – Translation & Shared...
Taking a walk in Brighton : Global Voices’ must-see places
Summer holidays are around the corner, so we thought we’d take you away on a virtual jaunt, or more if you wish. Global Voices’ collaborators are quite ‘mobile’; they live...
The Light House of Hill-A School : Indicating the necessity of Asset Based Development
One of the very nice shiny morning of May 2015. The hills show their natural beauty. Suddenly clouds have come and surrounded the whole area. After ten minutes, clouds have...