Posts from January, 2021
Longtime contributor Janine Mendes-Franco brings Caribbean stories to a global audience
"[GV] solidified my belief that we're all more alike than we are different."
Khattab Hamad's role in addressing the lack of Sudan-related news online
"I didn't find enough content about Sudan which gave me the inspiration to help Mohamed to reflect Sudan internal issues to the world."
Lingua Update: December 2020
The Lingua Manager presents the State of Lingua - December 2020
Special Categories Temporary Guide – With video!
Learn about the new system that replaces "Special Coverage Pages".
R Umaima Ahmed advocates for the rights of minority and transgender communities in Pakistan
"[Contributing to GV] connects me with other contributors and builds relationships to increase my knowledge and repertoire of cultural and social data!"
GV Council: Applications and Renewals for 2021 are open!
Get involved with building a stronger GV, join the Community Council for 2021
Mariam Abuadas’ passion for strengthening media in the MENA region
"This work [with Global Voices] helped reveal to me critical information gaps in the public sphere, be it worldwide or in Arabic-speaking communities."
Design Testing on Global Voices and the new “Skinny Post” Variation
GV is A/B testing a new post design without a sidebar. Learn about our design process, the change we're working on, and what the heck A/B testing is!