· January, 2015

Posts about Memories from January, 2015

GV2015: A High School Perspective

  January 31, 2015

“May we have a great time in Cebu!” Those were the first words that I heard after initially touching down in Cebu and passing through the two hour customs line at the airport. Immediately after clearing customs, the entire GV staff and I were greeted by a cultural band and...

Coping with post-summit depression‏

  January 27, 2015

“How are we supposed to go back home to our regular lives now that we’ve been here?” It is a question I heard probably five or six times during the Global Voices Citizen Media Summit, specially asked among the first time attendees. I am in awe, completely astonished about how...

A minha primeira vez no Summit!

  January 8, 2015

Desde que estou no Global Voices (Dezembro de 2013) já escrevi entre textos originais e traduções 35 publicações, o que faz de mim o moçambicano mais activo dentro do Global Voices no meu país e na África Austral.