I. Foundation
1.1 Existing foundation
1.2 New foundation: insufficient staff–>proposal writers–>cost money, and most of these proposals are made for government funding
1.3 Donor advised funds: private donors managed by banks–>not transparent, all about relationship, tax exemption issues
–>specific funding newsletters so the funding information can be communicated freely and more frequently
–>regional projects are more promising–>partnership with local interested groups–>go to IV
–>fundraising campaigns–>we need target social networks for fundraising campaigns–>we need more trust-worthy and professional people to do it–>development team (institutionized) to do it
–>funding for separate projects (big sections to specific topics)
II Donation
2.1 Private
2.2 Corporate
2.3 Membership: target readerswe need to produce enough content with good qualityGV+, different newsletters
IV. Partnership
4.1 Google group for regional partnership/fundingdifferent regions/projects may find their own most suitable revenue model
V. Out-of-the-box
5.1 Knowledge-based economy, e.g., training programs (project-by-project, selling to media companies or other interested companies)–>GV certificate? more structured training programs for trainers and outsiderstraining for students in universities
5.2 Media-development loan (MDLF)
5.3 Act as an agency for journalists knowledgeable for specific topics–>some other agencies/platforms for this opportunity–>no market for it (in 2010)
5.4 Sell GV with surrounding contents (exclusive information for the report/reporters)
5.5 Regional GV chapters, selling GV as a franchise and raising money separately
5.6 Can we sell our contents (e.g., as paper-based newspaper, which depends on local GV groups)even when we work with other media companies and give them our contents or when we pack the contents into some kind of creative products, it is difficult to make it profitable because of creative commons
Submitted by: Portnoy