1.) A short summary of the working group activities to date (there is still a couple of more weeks to come up with the final product), but this will help us provide any feedback on the process. For example, if you have met primarily on email, Google Group, Skype, etc. and how the conversations are going. What are the major themes that are emerging?
We have met almost exclusively on email – though we have a Gdoc to organize ourselves and a shared spreadsheet for collaborative work. Things go slowly. We started by introducing ourselves to the group and each of us talked briefly about the meetups we have participated on.
Then I proposed that we build together a timeline + map of GV meetups for a general overview of what and where has happened in this front since October 2013. We are using OKFN's timemapper. Each of us should write briefly about their meetup and include a picture, main links, organizers, partners, number of participants, etc.
This is a simple format for future organizers to submit something like a “quick final report” after each meetup.
After we have a complete version, if we have time, we can better analyze the results (for instance, measuring outreach based on the total number of participants…).
2.) An update on the anticipated final product -depending on whether or not the group has decided on what to submit as the final product. This will help us get a better sense how it may be incorporated into the internal meeting.
For now, the deliverable of this working group is going to be this:
Due to time constraints and slow response of the group, I am not sure we will be able to develop much further than a complete version of that until January 2.
Submitted by: Sara Moreira