Let's meet the Global Voices Community Council

Happiness in motion. The Global Voices family at the Citizen Media Summit in Cebu, Philippines 2015. Photo by Rezwan.

We’re excited to announce that Global Voices’ Community Council has been formed!

The Council has been in the making for the past several months, and we are thrilled that 184 community members came forward to join. The Council membership has strong representation from all sectors of Global Voices, including volunteer authors and translators, regional editors, Lingua site managers, Rising Voices grantees, board members and contributors from our earliest days online.

We thank everyone who answered the call!

A sample of our brave council members.

Click to see the full list of Council members.

Over the next two months, the Council will be engaged in a consultative process, discussing and deliberating on four major issues that will help shape GV’s future direction.

Consultation Schedule is ready too!

For all Council members: We've added a detailed schedule to the Consultation overview page, with the dates and times of the Zoom video calls and polls for each question so you can plan ahead and attend as many as possible!

First Question: Topics and (Editorial) Focus

Second Question: Amateur/Professional Spectrum

Third Question: Organizational Structure

Fourth Question: Funding Sources

We also recognize that there are other committed GVers who were unable to join for various reasons. As outlined in the earlier blog posts describing the various steps of the consultation, we will be posting periodic updates on the process, and sharing the results of the Consultation with the entire community in December.

Thanks again to all who have joined, we look forward to this exciting new stage for Global Voices!

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