GV Board Elections 2023 Volunteers’ Rep. Candidate: Juke Carolina Bransiecq

Juke Carolina Bransiecq. Photo courtesy Juke Carolina Bransiecq.

Juke Carolina Bransiecq joined Global Voices in 2008 as a translator and began contributing stories to the GV newsroom in 2009. Indonesia-born Juke is passionate about her home region of Southeast Asia, human rights, politics, and maps. She holds a master's degree in geopolitics from the University of Reims, and currently lives in Marseille, France. Juke was GV's social media manager from May 2022 to March 2023.

All candidates in the 2023 board elections have been asked to answer the set of questions listed below. Feel free to ask Juke additional questions in the comments area below this post!

What appeals to you most about the prospect of serving on the GV board?

Short answer: the GV people, and the spirit of GV. GV is a diverse and inclusive community. Thanks to Global Voices, my views of the world are enriched. In deep gratitude I wish to pay this forward to the GV people I’ve met, never met and will meet, online or off.

What talents, skills, connections, and expertise can you offer Global Voices in your role as board representative?

I’m an active listening/communication person. Listening and communicating are the foundations of activism, part of the DNA of Global Voices – to amplify voices from around the world and bridging understandings between cultures. With geopolitical dynamics we’re hearing about on a daily basis, I believe our community can become that force of good in this world and I’d love to bring my lived experiences and knowledge to continue the vision of GV through GVers everywhere.

As you look ahead to the next three years, what, in your opinion, should be GV’s overarching priorities as an organization?

GV's exciting priorities for the next three years are centered around member engagement, image and brand management, innovation, and advocacy. By fostering a vibrant community of collaboration and inclusivity among its members, GV aims to build strong relationships and promote a positive image of the organization. With a focus on innovation and adaptability, GV will stay ahead of emerging needs and trends, ensuring that its programs and initiatives remain impactful and aligned with its mission. Moreover, GV is committed to taking an active role in advocacy efforts to drive positive change at local, regional, or global levels, amplifying its impact and advancing its cause. This dynamic combination of member engagement, image and brand management, innovation, and advocacy will empower GV to maintain its sterling reputation, make a tangible difference in the communities it serves, and create a brighter future for all.

What aspect of GV’s work interests you the most?

As someone with over a decade of experience at GV, I am deeply drawn to several aspects of GV's work that align with my passion for connecting people, stories, places, and time. I have been deeply inspired by GV's powerful storytelling and unwavering focus on creating sustainable, long-term impact. The strong sense of community and collaboration among GV's members and partners has created a supportive and inclusive environment that encourages mutual learning. GV's place-based approaches, tailoring interventions to local contexts, have been particularly fascinating. Additionally, GV's global engagement and collaborative partnerships have provided me with invaluable opportunities to connect with diverse stakeholders from around the world. It has been a privilege to be a part of GV's journey, and I am eagerly looking forward to continuing my contributions towards their mission of making a positive difference in the world by connecting people, stories, places, and time.

What would you like to get out of this board service experience, both professionally and personally?

As a current member of Global Voices, I view my potential board service as an opportunity to not only utilize my skills to contribute to the organization's mission, but also to serve as a representative for the volunteers who are using their skills to promote a unique, human-centric, and globally inclusive organization. Serving on the board would allow me to bring their voices to the table, listen to their perspectives, and advocate for their needs. This would be personally fulfilling for me, as I am passionate about inclusivity and social justice, and I believe that being their representative would enable me to make a meaningful impact on their behalf. Overall, I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to Global Voices’ vision of to “tell stories that build understanding across borders by leveraging the power of the internet”, while also serving as a representative for the dedicated volunteers who are driving positive changes in the world through the organization and beyond.

How will you fit board service into your personal and other professional work commitments?

Being a long-term member of GV, I am committed to GV's mission and values. I will actively work towards making meaningful contributions to the success of the organization, while also maintaining a healthy balance with my other obligations.

What methods would you use to engage and listen to the community in order to represent them effectively at board level?

1. Regular Communication Channels: I would utilize social media platforms to actively engage with the community, encourage discussions, and gather feedback to ensure their concerns and perspectives are heard and represented effectively at the board level.

2. Periodic Open Forums and Town Halls: I would organize and facilitate periodic open forums, town halls, or community meetings to provide a platform for community members to voice their opinions, ask questions, and share feedback, ensuring their concerns and perspectives are heard and represented effectively at the board level. If the volunteers are content with the situation, these town halls can also serve as casual check-ins and socializing opportunities, fostering a sense of community and camaraderie among members while still providing a platform for them to voice their opinions, ask questions, and share feedback.

3. Inclusive Representation: I would prioritize diverse perspectives in board discussions and decision-making, advocating for marginalized voices and underrepresented communities.

By employing these methods, I would strive to engage and listen to the Global Voices community effectively, ensuring that their perspectives and interests are represented at the board level.

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