Dr. Danica Radovanovic is a digital media specialist, and works as a digital inclusion advisor at the Basic Internet Foundation headquartered in Oslo, Norway. One of the internet pioneers, Danica’s previous work include web metadata project for the UN, science blogs (Scientific American), and online editorships (ArtArea, Australian Science), lecturing on web journalism & activism, and digital media consultancy.
More about Danica on her website. Follow DanicaR on Twitter.
Danica is also the Advocacy Contributor at Global Voices.
Latest posts by Danica Radovanovic
Connecting the unconnected in Tanzania
The DigI project is ongoing in Tanzania, and has a value in reaching the remote villages.The main target is to establish internet hotspots dedicated to spread health and educational information.
Towards an inclusive society
This summer, I started to work as a digital equality advisor for the Basic Internet Foundation headquartered in Oslo, Norway. The Foundation is an organisation that aims at optimised content...