NewsFrames Update, A Big “Thank You”, and Join Us on Slack!

Hi everyone,

Here's a quick update about NewsFrames. To keep in touch, be sure to join us on Slack. Also, check out some of the newest NewsFrames stories below.

NewsFrames Update

Thanks to help from some early GV adopters, we’ve made significant progress with NewsFrames, including refining both the technology of the platform, and our mission as a community.

So… Thank you!

The NewsFrames Team really want to thank everyone who have given input and spent time scratching their heads, exploring, and translating with us as we’ve reinvented things time and time again.

You can now see some of these first examples of our NewsFrames stories dealing with the themes of: representation in the media, credibility and culture below, which “prove the concept” — see below.

Join Us on Slack

This is just the beginning for NewsFrames. We now have a stable starting point,and will still grow, change, and develop.

So, to hear more directly from you, about how we should grow or what we should think about, we are experimenting with day-to-day communications now in Slack.

On Slack, you can:

Join in, even if you just want to listen to our chatter. But we hope you add to it, and help us go where we need to.

Contact anyone on the NewsFrames team member to get a Slack account if you don’t already have one.

We hope to see you there!

New Stories on NewsFrames

Here are some of the newest stories published on NewsFrames:

Culture Shot, by Suzanne Lehn

Culture Shots are capsule reports on framing patterns in news coverage on cultural themes, in a small, easy-to-swallow dose. Here, Suzanne investigates media coverage around the French word patrimoine or “heritage”.

What Are We Saying Differently in Our Coverage of Pakistan?

Here, Sana Saleem compares how Pakistan is covered in media outlets within the country, the United States, and Global Voices. She used Media Cloud, an open-source content analysis tool that aims to map news coverage of current events:

Framespotting with Emily May of Hollaback

Emily is the co-founder and executive director of Hollaback!, a “global, people-powered movement to end harassment” where you also can read first-person accounts.

Here, she talked to NewsFrames about the framing around harassment:

“We need to find different ways to respond to media” (Rising Frames / Reframed Stories)

Juan Diego Andrango, a collaborator at the Confederation of the Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (CONAIE) in Quito, Ecuador, has contributed our latest Rising Frames investigation.

Reframed Stories asks people to respond to dominant themes in news coverage about themselves and the issues that affect them. The stories center on the reflections of persons who are more often represented by others than by themselves in media.

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