What we learned from the Community Council polls

What topics interest you most as a writer or translator?

WordCloud of free text responses to the Global Voices Community Council poll question: What topics interest you most as a writer or translator?

Over the past few weeks, we've been going through the results and free text responses from the Community Council polls and working to turn your recommendations and ideas into workable plans. We are pleased to discover that the Council results are quite consistent across all four issues, and point us in a clear direction.

In some cases, the results are clear enough that we’ll be able to implement changes fairly quickly. In other cases, we have clear preferences about what we should do, but precisely how to do them will take some time to work through. On those issues, we look forward to working with you on testing ideas and finding solutions.

Here are some of the findings we found especially interesting:

Global Voices Community Council Poll 1, Topics & Focus, Question 3: What, for you, best defines a successful editorial effort?

Global Voices Community Council Poll 2, Degrees of Professionalization, Question 4: Which roles would you most like to have with Global Voices?

One possible point of tension: while most of us are in favor of participating in, or leading focused editorial and research projects, we also want to see balance and an equitable distribution of resources across our regions and projects. This will be challenging, as seeking funding for focused research and editorial work will almost inevitably result in more resources for some regions and topics. We will need to work creatively to find a way to satisfy both of these desires.

We’ll be publishing another blog post soon updating you on our progress on our plans. Stay tuned!

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