How Covering Black Twitter is like Covering [Insert Country Name]

GVlogo_blacktwitterThe Los Angeles Times has hired a writer called Dexter Thomas to cover Black Twitter and other online communities. The Columbia Journalism Review interviewed Thomas in this piece, which focuses primarily—and perhaps predictably—on how he will approach Black Twitter. There are several points in the article where I thought Thomas could have been talking about GV.

An obvious example:

Basically, I’m interested in online—and offline—communities. Primarily, I’m interested in minorities, and I think that the way that they’re covered makes no sense. Mainstream media often treats groups as though they are monolithic, with no variety or differentiation of opinion within that group. Entire populations are made into caricatures.

Anyone else find the article interesting? Relevant? Uninteresting? Irrelevant? Which parts of it, if any, has particular resonance for you?

I'd love to hear more in the comments.

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