Meet Julia Krebs: GV's new Community Curator

Image of GV community curator Julia

GV community curator Julia. Image by Julia Krebs. Used with permission.

As announced a few days ago in an article on the community blog, the Community Communications Working Group has decided to establish a new role called the Community Curator.

I am thrilled and humbled to use this opportunity to introduce myself to you as the first community curator and want to thank the working group for placing their trust in me. My name is Julia and I have been with Global Voices since 2014, starting out as a translator for GV German. Since 2015, I am a translation manager for GV German and have had the wonderful chance to get to know GV and many GVers in other settings such as the Community Council and the 2017 GV Summit in Sri Lanka.

As mentioned in the announcement, this role is a new one and I am looking forward to explore ways to breathe life into it and fill it with ideas and possibilities . The GV community is the heart and center of this all, meaning that this endeavour is by no means a top-down procedure but rather a communal one where your ideas and inspiration will be shaping the community curator role just as much as the experiences from, say, me or the working group.

And while modesty is a trait the GV community resembles thoroughly, I would love for you to not be too humble about your accomplishments and achievements. Reach out and let us know about it via the Submit Community News form! Two community news articles have already been posted. You can find Filip Noubel's impromptu talk with Czech National Radio here and read all about Eddie Avila's interview on supporting language preservation here.

Feel free to reach out to me, for instance via e-mail or slack, if you have any questions or feedback or might be unsure about your piece of news at any given time.

I am looking forward to learn about all the wonderful things the community members do and share it with world.

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