I love Global Voices

I started in GV for the invitation of David Sasaki since February 2010. I have been an author and translator. Many satisfactions I had, including, I was part of the rejection of the Lleras Law that was intended to impose in Colombia the law about copyright. Also it helped to prevent the Act that sought to impose the education in Colombia and this would be affecting interests of Colombians citizens. The post on this topic was popular and was shared among many with echo in thousands of people and activists in Colombia.

Being part of Global Voices was born in me a deep enthusiasm to the point that motivated me to graduate like Social Communicator and achieve graduation in record time in December 2013. It's a wonderful experience for the warmth and human quality that exists within and because learning all levels and strengthening continuously, but above all, the human sense increases towards generating social awareness always looking forward for development and social change. Also, very important, the defense internet governance’s and expression's freedom.

I was part of the network Hiperbarrio (one of the beneficiaries of Rising Voices), where I spent three years helping very active in training and getting involved with citizens groups Convergents, Villactivos and The Esperanza. It was wonderful contact and the mutual learning. ¡generating communities!

Global Voices is a real and multicultural world where all is possible. One of the great pleasures was to shar with my colleagues from Global Voices in Kenya, Africa in 2012. The multicultural learning and knowledge sharing steal my spirit. Another satisfaction, I have had the support of the best editors like Eddie Avila, Silvia Viñas, Juan, Ellery and Gabriela.

The ties that weave in Global Voices are countless; it’s wonderful to remain part this and to follow expectations towards the defense of a free internet and always looking to ensure human rights and social change in Colombia. ¡I want to live many more anniversaries and I hope to find me with all at the next Summit 2015!

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