A Special Invitation to the Lingua Community From Rising Voices: Write About Language Revitalization!

Photo by Alexander Svensson and used under a CC BY-NC 2.0 license

Dear Lingua community,

As you may know, Rising Voices has been working to support communities maximizing the internet to promote and revitalize endangered, indigenous, minority, or heritage languages around the world. One of the ways that we provide this support is by highlighting interesting projects, tools, or people on blog posts published on Global Voices.

We have been discovering more and more projects that would be great to highlight on GV, and we are not able to write about them all. This is an invitation to Lingua translators interested in how the internet is helping to preserve underrepresented languages, by writing “short posts” (150-300 words) about these projects, or issues related to language revitalization through technology.

If you are interested or if you have questions, please write to me at eddie [at] globalvoices [dot] org.

Here is an example of a Rising Voices “short” post (although non-language-related) – Wikimujeres Wants More Women Editors to Fix Wikipedia's Gender

Your contributions as a GV translator passionate about languages have indeed made our community a multi-lingual space that celebrates the importance of a linguistically diverse internet!

Thank you!

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