Are You a Member of NewsFrames Slack?

Hi everyone, here's an update NewsFrames, plus some details about where everyone is discussing NewsFrames projects.

Specifically, we want to make sure you know where the conversations are happening on Slack — see below for some active channels and projects. If you're not on Slack, send Nevin an email at nevin.thompson[at], and he'll add you. Or, just leave a comment below.

6 Slack Conversations: Which One Interests You?

Since we kicked off in January, we have been really active on Slack with a number of new volunteer researchers and contributors, thinking, drafting and researching and writing stories.

Besides the main NewsFrames Slack channel, the group has come up with some story themes and have started working on projects, and we're discussing them in the following channels:

1) Info Disorder: misinformation, disinformation, propaganda (link to Slack channel)

2) Representations: representations of culture, gender, nations (link to Slack channel)

3) Migrations: stories on migration (link to Slack channel)

4) Rising Frames: applying data analysis to examine how indigenous and marginalized communities are represented: (link to Slack channel)

5) Power Mapping: meme mapping (link to Slack channel)

6) Media Lists: help build an accurate source list for your country or region for Media Cloud (link to Slack channel)

As well, for Lingua translators, we’ve started a #nf_translation as a spot to encourage/help discussions about how to translate pesky NewsFrames terms (framing, framespotting, etc). Ask on Lingua Community Slack for more information.

Which NewsFrames Theme Resonates With You?

So if you’re ready to dive in, please contact Nevin or Connie at newsframes[at] Or, jump in any of the Slack channels above.

Wondering what NewsFrames is all about? Check out this cool write-up:

Want to know more about how NewsFrames works? Check out the various guides to NewsFrames, like this:

Thanks… and we look forward to seeing you on Slack!

Connie, Nevin and the NewsFrames team

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