Bonjour, I'm Gwenaëlle!
I'm a particle physicist by day, editor for GV Lingua French by night, language passionate 24/7. Strong advocate that the languages we speak all deserve equal respect, and that Europe could be a better place if it valued its regional languages, I tweet on the topic at @DiffractedWord (personal account) and @AcademieDuGallo (organisation I co-founded for the revival of Gallo, the Romance language of Brittany). I grew up in France, lived in NY State, am now settled on the South English coast and never go to India often enough.
Also a cheese-lover, a chatterbox, and a bookworm. Get in touch!
Latest posts by Gwenaëlle Lefeuvre
Post-Summit Action: Let's Make GV Famous!
During the GV Summit in Colombo, we heard many attendees talking about the great future and the larger audience they envisioned for GV. In addition, some of them, as Newsroom...
Meet Gwenaelle, the Physicist who Fell in Love With Minority Languages
Global Voices is indeed a diverse community where whe can find people from all walks of life. Here, we interview a GVer who is also a physicist.
GV Board Elections 2017: Gwenaëlle Lefeuvre
Thank you for nominating me a Volunteers' Representative candidate!
Les visages de Global Voices en français
Notre équipe Global Voices Lingua ne cesse de s'agrandir: collaborateurs réguliers et occasionnels, blogueurs aguerris, professionnels de la traduction et amateurs de tous âges, nous sommes plus de trois cent...
María Angélica Marín de Santiago du Chili
Meet María Angélica Marín, GV translator and author now living in Santiago, Chilé.