Lingua Content

This page explains when in which circumstances a Lingua site can publish exclusive content and the policy regarding it. The idea is to engage more with local languages in the citizen media arena and readers. Please check out the rest of our Global Voices Lingua Guides.


Lingua sites have been historically centered on translations from Global Voices, but on certain occasions, Translation Managers Translation Managers can write original content as announcements.

These posts do not need to be approved by a content editor. Likewise, they do not need to be translated into English, but can be at the discretion of content editors.


These are non-editorial posts that help build relationships with their readers and translators. For instance:

  • Announcements of partnerships or successes. Example: Global Voices in Italiano announces a Partnership with La Stampa.
  • Invitations to real or virtual meetings
  • Reports from public meetings where Lingua was represented
  • Reader surveys or live chats
  • Interviews with translators (although we like to have them in English too!)

When relevant, it will be great if we have an English translation on the Community blog!

Announcement Rules

When considering adding an announcement to your Lingua site, please ask yourself the following questions:

1) Is this content, information or announcement really only relevant to your Lingua website? Should it be posted to the English site as well?

2) Does the content fit with the open spirit of the Global Voices Manifesto?

3) Is it clear that the announcement is related to and represents your specific Lingua site, and that it does not represent Global Voices as a whole?


In all cases, the Translation Manager should be communicating openly with the Lingua Manager about plans and projects for the community so that news can be translated and distributed further.

Global Voices Managing Editor has final say over the suitability of Lingua content for publication, with coordination with Lingua Manager.

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  • Please treat others with respect. Comments containing hate speech, obscenity, and personal attacks will not be approved.